
1 . General:
This instruction lays down the policies for enrollment of Flight Cadets for Short Service Commission in various branches in BAF. Short Service Commission may be granted to candidates from civil life under the conditions prescribed in this instruction in the following branches of the BAF:
a. General Duties (Pilot).
b. General Duties (Navigator).
c. Engineering.
d. Logistic.
e. Administrative.
f. Air Traffic Control.
g. Air Defence Weapons Controllers.
h. Education.
j. Legal.
k. Accounts.
l. Meteorological.
b. General Duties (Navigator).
c. Engineering.
d. Logistic.
e. Administrative.
f. Air Traffic Control.
g. Air Defence Weapons Controllers.
h. Education.
j. Legal.
k. Accounts.
l. Meteorological.
2. Academic Qualification :
Academic Qualification. The educational qualification for candidates of various branches will be minimum Higher Secondary Certificate or equivalent in specified discipline as shown below. However, under special circumstances Air Headquarters shall have the prerogative to enroll direct entry candidates, if necessary, for meeting emergency requirements.
Ser No | Branch Name | Regular Flight Cadet (result in HSC/ equivalent) | Direct Entry Flight Cadet |
a. | General Duties (Pilot) | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science with Mathematics (Math) as compulsory or additional subject (minimum letter grade A)/ ‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | N/A |
b. | General Duties (Navigator) | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science with Mathematics (Math) as compulsory or additional subject (minimum letter grade A)/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | N/A |
c. | Engineering | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science with Mathematics (Math) as compulsory or additional subject (minimum letter grade A)/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC in Science/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor Degree in any Engineering discipline as decided by Air HQ (minimum CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from any recognized university/ equivalent. |
d. | Logistic | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science with Mathematics (Math) as compulsory or additional subject (minimum letter grade A)/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC in Science/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor Degree in required discipline (CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent |
e. | Administration | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC & HSC/ ‘O’ & ‘A’ level with minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor Degree from any discipline (minimum CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent. |
f. | Air Traffic Control (ATC) | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science with Mathematics (Math) as compulsory or additional subject (minimum letter grade A)/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC in Science /‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor Degree with Physics/Math (CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent. |
g. | Air Defence Weapons Control (ADWC) | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science with Mathematics (Math) as compulsory or additional subject (minimum letter grade A)/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC in Science/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor Degree with Physics/Math (CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent. |
h. | Education | N/A | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor and Masters Degree in required discipline as decided by Air HQ (minimum CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent. |
j. | Legal | N/A | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor/Masters Degree in Law (minimum CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent. |
k. | Finance | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC in Science/Business Studies with Math/Accounting (minimum letter grade A)/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Math/Accounting, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC in Science/Business Studies with Math/Accounting/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Math/Accounting, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor Degree in Commerce (minimum CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent. |
l. | Meteorology | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in Science with Mathematics (Math) as compulsory or additional subject (minimum letter grade A)/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam/equivalent. | Minimum GPA 4.5 in both SSC and HSC in Science/‘O’ & ‘A’ level with Physics and Math, minimum letter grade C in all the subjects of both the exam. Bachelor Degree with Physics/Math (CGPA 3.00 in the scale of 4.00/2nd class) from a recognized university/equivalent. |
Note :
3. The educational qualification for direct entry candidate in a specific branch will be minimum Bachelor Degree or equivalent from any recognized university/college/institute specified discipline.
4. Candidates appearing in the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination will also be eligible to apply if they can submit a certificate from the Head of the respective institute to the effect that they have reasonable chance of passing the examination with the pre-requisite result.
Age Limit :
5. Candidates must be within the age limits( Without affidavit) as shown belowa. For all regular Flight Cadets : 16 and half years to 21 years ( Unmarried)
b. For direct entry Flight Cadet (Legal): Upto 30 years ( Married/Unmarried)
c. For direct entry Flight Cadet (Education): Upto 35 years ( Married/Unmarried)
Note : Upper age limit may be relaxed at the discretion of Chief of Air Staff in special cases.
Nationality :
6. No person who is not a citizen of Bangladesh shall, except with the consent of the government signified in writing, be granted commission or be enrolled in the Air Force. The same provision shall also be applicable to Bangladeshi national married to a foreigner.
Selection :
7. Candidates who possess the requisite qualification will apply to BAF information and Selection Center (I&SC). Those found suitable will appear in written test as specified by Air Headquarters. Written test qualified candidates will then undergo preliminary medical examination at I&SC. After preliminary medical examination, qualified candidates will be required to appear before the Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB). Candidates found suitable by the ISSB will undergo the final medical exam at the Central Medical Board (CMB). Final selection of a candidate will be ascertained by Flight Cadet Final Selection Board (FCFSB) at Air Headquarters.
Medical Examination :
8. Candidates who are selected by, ISSB will be required to appear before the CMB for their medical fitness to perform the particular duties for which they are selected. Air Headquarters will decide medical standard required for the candidates of different branches. Candidates declared medically unfit by CMB may apply for re-examination by Appellate Medical Board.
Terms of Service of Cadets :
9. Cadetship–Candidates finally selected will be enrolled in the rank AC-2(Flight Cadet).
10. Pay and Allowances- Pay and allowances will be admissible as authorized for Flight Cadets as per joint Service Instruction (JSI).
11. Maintenance Charge– Maintenance charge ,i.e. messing and accommodation including water, Washing, light, furniture and conservancy will be bome by the government.
12. Medical and Dental Treatment– For the purpose of medical services ( Medical attendance, hospitalization, dental treatment including the supply renewal and repairs of artificial teeth, recovery of hospital stoppages and pay while on sick leave), Flight cadets and their families will receive the appropriate treatment as decided by the relevant AFI time to time.
Note : Cadets and their families will receive the same treatment as BAF Officers. While in hospital they will be accommodated in officers ward and will received the same standard of diet as authorized for officers. Hospital stoppages will be recovered at the rates and under the conditions laid down in P&A regulation.
13. Disability/Family pension / Dependents Pension— Disability, Family and Dependent pension will be subject to the same general regular condition as are applicable to similar wards in the case of BAF officers.
Commission and Rank :
14. Commission and rank after successful complication of training will be as under : a. A regular Flight cadet, on successful completion of 3 years’ training will be granted Short Service Commission, in the rank of Pilot Officer, for 15 years followed by 5 years in the reserve. b. A direct entry Flight Cadet, on successful complication of 06 months/01 year training, will be granted Short Service Commission in the rank of Pilot Officer for 15 years followed by 5 years on the reserve. Exiting regulations for direct entry candidates for different branches under different AFIs will remain valid.
Confirmation in Rank :
15. A newly commissioned officer will be confirmed in his rank after rendering one year of satisfactory service subject to the fulfillment of other conditions prescribed in Air Force regulations issued from time to time.
Pay and Allowance for Officers :
16. Officers will receive pay and allowances as laid down in Joint Service Instruction (JSI) or in any other government orders issued from time to time.
Promotion, Leave and Leave Traveling Concessions :
17. Promotion, leave and leave traveling concessions, etc will be as authorized as per existing policies And regulations issued from time to time.
Permanent Commission and Extended Service Commission :
18. Officers will be eligible for the grant of permanent Commission and Extended services Commission under the rules in force of issued from time to time.
Uniform :
19. Items of uniform will be provided as per existing policy.
Termination of Service :
20. An officer shall be liable to have his commission terminated in accordance with the provisions laid down in rule 16 of Air Force Act Rules,1957.
Pension and Gratuity :
21.Service pension and gratuity will be admissible to officers under rules as may be issued from time to time.
Disability/ Family etc, Pension :
22. Disability/ Family pension, children allowance and dependents pension will be admissible to officers under rules as may be issued from time to time.
Cancellation of orders :
23. This instruction will come in to effect from date of issue and supersedes AFI NO 64/65 ( including the amendment issued from time to time).
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