Cadets' Training Wing

The Cadets’ Training Wing provides a solid leadership foundation through a wide array of military training programs.
Each Officer Cadet is provided with the opportunity to learn and practice leadership methods first, through follower ship, and later,
in leadership positions in different activities of the Cadets’ Wing.
Types of Training in Cadets’ Training Wing:
Physical and Mental Trg
Training imparted by Cadets’ Wing is aimed at transforming a civil person into a disciplined air force officer through intense physical and mental training. The physical training includes different types of drill, weapon training, health run, mile test and games (to include football, volleyball, basketball, handball, athletics and hurdles). Service knowledge and leadership technique training is provided to Officer Cadets through formal classes, task assignment, counseling, supervision, guidance and practical exercises.
The Officer Cadets are also assessed on various traits of Officer Like Qualities like discipline, integrity, loyalty, determination, assertiveness, initiative, enthusiasm, courage, teamwork, social skill, verbal expressions and self-confidence etc.
They are also assessed in Command and Control skills, such as bearing and turn out, voice, capability and effectiveness in handling parade, self-confidence, emotional stability, maturity and physio-dynamic quality etc. With such all-round training, the Cadets’ Wing molds a new Officer Cadet into an officer in the BAF.
The Cadets’ Training Wing has 04 (Four) Squadrons.
• Bir Uttam A K Khandakar Sqn• Bir Uttam Sultan Mahmud Sqn• Bir Uttam Badrul Alam Sqn• Bir Uttam Shamsul Alam Sqn