Academic Training Wing

The Academic Training Wing (ATW) is one of the three wings of Bangladesh Air Force Academy (BAFA) which is responsible for imparting academic training to the Officer Cadets and newly commissioned officers of Bangladesh Air Force. From the very inception, ATW is grooming up the enrolled Officer Cadets as educated and professional officers through the induction of updated knowledge by experienced instructors. Both regular courses under BUP and some irregular courses under BAF required are conducted at ATW.
Both regular courses under BUP and some irregular courses under BAF required are conducted at ATW. The courses conducted by ATW are:
a. Regular Courses/ Long Courses:
....(1) BSc (Hons) in Aeronautics for 4 years
....(2) BSc in Aeronautics for 3 Years
....(3) BBA (Fin)
....(4) Level-1 of Engg Course under MIST
b. Irregular Courses/ Short Courses:
....(1) Special Purpose Short Service Commission (SPSSC)
....(2) Short Service Commission (SSC)
....(3) Branch Listed Permanent Commission (BLPC)
Squarons Under ATW

ATW is systematically ensuring the smooth conduct of academic courses through the constant support of four squadrons namely Aero Science Squadron, Humanities and Business Studies Squadron, Engineering Studies Squadron and Training Support Squadron.
Aero Science Squadron
Aero Science Squadron is responsible to impart academic training to the Officer Cadets and Under Trainee Officers for BSc Honors in Aeronautics and BSc in Aeronautics degree under Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP). This squadron imparts training on science related subject like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Bangladesh Air Force related subjects namely Aero Engine, Aerodynamics, Metrology, Armament, Navigation and Aviation Physiology. This Squadron also provides resourceful laboratory facilities to the Officer Cadets.
Hum & Business Studies Squadron
This Squadron imparts training on commerce related subject like Management, Finance, Accounting and Bangladesh Air Force related subjects namely English, Bangla, Organization & Administration, Service Writing, Bangladesh Air Force Law, Military History, Air Power, Operational Message Writing, Current Affairs, Computer, Security & Intelligence, Psychology and Political Science. This squadron conducts Bachelor of Business Administration Course for the Officer Cadets and under trainee officers under Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).
Engineering Studies Squadron
From the year 2009, the first year course (Level-1) of four years Engineering Course conducted at Military Institute of Science and Technology has been commenced at ATW. The Level-1 syllabus include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, Engineering Ethics/Sociology, Bangladesh Histories/ Studies, Aeronautical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering subjects with sessional (practical). The Level-1 is divided into 02 six monthly terms namely as Term-1 and Term-2.
Training Support Squadron
This Squadron is responsible for providing technical training equipment and materials to other squadrons as per the requirement of training. Presently, ATW is a modern and well equipped academic training institution. All the class rooms are well furnished and all of the class rooms are equipped with computers and multimedia projectors beside the provision of common training aids. Even, Officer Cadets’ individually issued with a laptop as a training aid.